Landon Durst releases "Her Simple Life"

Landon DurstPRLog (Press Release) - Mar 22, 2012 -
Landon Durst

Landon Durst is a singer and songwriter from the Peoria, Illinois area.   He began by playing guitar in his mid teens and as a natural progression, began writing songs at the same time.  He has also been part of a couple of bands but nothing was more enjoyable and more satisfying than to create his own music.

Landon Durst is proud to announce the release of his hit single “Her Simple Life” which was first recorded 10 years ago.   This song is on his yet to be released CD titled “By the Bonfire Glow” which is set for release sometime in the spring of 2012.  This single speaks of a woman who has everything in life except living that simple life.  It took some soul searching to get the essence of thing song on a musical platform and it was done the old fashion way; by the gentle page turning of his life through old photos and long talks about the ‘good ole days’.  This is where his inspiration came from.  This single is also representative to the texture and overall effect of his newest project with inclusion of melodic overtones and poetic lyrics that Landon has so beautifully fused together.  

He continues to evolve and continues to search for ways to connect to his audience.  This second CD shows his growth in style and wisdom.  He is a crossover artist with no borders.  This new CD through natural progression, is more main stream than his first CD.  

“By The Bonfire Glow” will be released in its digital format and will be available at most digital storefronts.  Perhaps a physical one will follow.  I’m sure his fans would appreciate that.  The single “Her Simple Life” is only but a taste of what’s to come.  We look forward to its release.

Landon Durst won an award for his song “Runway Lights” in a Paramount song contest based in Nashville, Tennessee in 2007.  In 2011, he won another award for his song “Keep on Walkin” in the same contest.  He has also opened for an up and coming country band called ‘Jason & the Haymakers’ in December and they were very pleased with his performance.  He will be opening for them again at the end of the month.  He is also opening for ‘Brushfire’ in April.  Both of these bands have recently been the opener for bands such as ‘Lady Antebellum’ and a few others.  

You can listen to and/or purchase his music by logging onto any of the following websites: (Search:  Landon Durst)

Landon Durst is currently working with A & R Select based in West Hollywood, Ca. for licensing, publishing, a record deal and/or placement opportunities.  For additional information, please contact them at:

A & R Select is a promotional and placement company for musicians all over the world. Based in Hollywood, Ca., they have a strategic location for all musicians as they continually flock to that area of the world for recognition and stardom.

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Writers Retreat Series Available For Preorder

PRLog (Press Release) - Mar 22, 2012 -
The entire Writer’s Retreat series is now available for pre-order through their Kickstarter campaign, lasting through April 6th. Written by book reviewer and Reader’s Retreat columnist Juliet C. Obodo, the series includes writer’s guides to cafes, restaurants, and coffee shops in 10 major cities across the country. Included cities are Austin, Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles, Miami, New Orleans, New York, Portland, San Francisco & Seattle.

The New York edition is already available online through several major booksellers where it’s being well received, making #11 on Kindle’s Travel & Dining guides. It’s also available at McNally Jackson Bookstore in Soho.

Listing over a hundred establishments throughout New York’s various neighborhoods, the New York edition is “a fantastic read” that “many authors, college and university students will be rushing out to get,” according to one review.

Juliet chose to raise funds for the remaining books through Kick Starter because it’s the beginning of a new trend in self-publishing: crowd-funding. The ability to determine how well a book will sell before it’s even published. Those who appreciate the project can back it to receive the rewards.

The Kickstarter campaign for the Writer’s Retreat series seeks to raise $2500 in Kickstarter pre-orders to cover design and printing costs. If the $2500 can be raised by the deadline of April 6th, the project will proceed and those who donated will be given rewards based on their levels of donation.
For a donation of only $5, backers receive e-copies of their choice of 6 the 10 cities from the series.
For $10, backers receive e-copies of all 10 books!
For a pledge of only $25, backers receive e-copies of all books, and their choice of print copies of any 4 of the books.
For a pledge of $50, backers receive print and e-copies of all 10 books in the series.

There are also several donation levels intended primarily for businesses.
A pledge of $100 receives not only print and e-copies of all books in the series, but also a sponsor page at the back of the Writer’s Retreat guide to the city of their choice!
A pledge of $250 will receive the print and e-copies of all books, and a sponsor page at the back of all city guides!

If you'd like to know more, or schedule an interview with Juliet C. Obodo, please call GiGi Robertson at (848) 203-0041 or email

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Gray Panthers Opposes Outrageous House Budget Proposal

PRLog (Press Release) - Mar 22, 2012 -
On behalf of Republicans in the U.S. House, Rep. Paul Ryan recently unveiled a budget proposal that makes deep cuts in domestic spending for jobs, health and human services while protecting military spending and reducing tax rates for the wealthy and corporations. Gray Panthers is outraged that this legislation’s provisions are inhumane and violate the best interests of the American people.  

Judy Lear, National Chair of Gray Panthers, said that the Ryan bill gives huge tax breaks to corporations and the wealthy and protects wasteful military spending.  At the same time, this plan privatizes Medicare, slashes Medicaid funding, and makes deep cuts in safety net programs that provide jobs, training, food, education and protect our environment.   Lear said, “This plan is a classic scheme to rob the poor and middle class to protect the rich.”

Gray Panthers opposes Ryan’s proposal to partially privatize Medicare by offering vouchers to purchase private health care. This plan would shift the burden of controlling health care costs from health care providers onto Medicare patients.  Medicaid, under the Ryan plan, would be put into block grants. This move would drastically reduces access to health care for elderly and persons with disabilities, as well as low income children and their families.   The plan also eliminates funding for Affordable Care Act of 2010 that provides new consumer protections, regulates health insurance companies and expands access to affordable health care.

Gray Panthers is particularly incensed that the Ryan plan would give $3 trillion in tax breaks to the wealthy and corporations and would make the Bush era tax breaks permanent.  “Americans believe that we all must sacrifice for the good of our country. This means that the 1% need to pay their fair share,” Ms. Lear said.

Gray Panthers, which has long advocated for peace and against war, are angered that the Ryan plan would protect the military budget from the automatic cuts that were put in place last fall.  Several bi-partisan commissions, including the Deficit Reduction Commission, have detailed plans to cut $1 trillion in defense spending without harming national security.

Gray Panthers is an intergenerational, multi-issue advocacy organization with members through out the nation working for social and economic justice and peace for ALL people. It is our vision to create a society that puts the needs of people over profit, responsibility over power and democracy over institutions.

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Cake?! For Breakfast? It’s the New Way to Lose Weight

PRLog (Press Release) - Mar 22, 2012 -
Tel Aviv – Eating chocolate cake with a nutritious breakfast can help you lose weight and keep it off, according to a new study from Tel Aviv University.

For this study, researchers separated 193 obese, non-diabetic participants into two groups. Male participants were allowed 1,600 calories per day while females were allowed 1,400. One of the groups was given a 300-calorie breakfast low in carbs, while the second group was given a 600-calorie breakfast that included a small chocolate cake slice.

At the 16-week mark, the two groups had both shed an average of 33 pounds per participant. However, in the next 16 weeks, the cake-deprived subjects gained about 22 pounds back each, while the cake-eaters lost an additional 15 pounds on average.

"The group that consumed a bigger breakfast, including dessert, experienced few if any cravings for these foods later in the day," said one of the researchers, professor Daniela Jakubowicz."The participants in the low-carbohydrate diet group had less satisfaction and felt that they were not full.”

Weight Watchers Coupons ...

The participants who ate a small breakfast were more likely to cheat on their diet and lost an average of 40 pounds less than subjects who indulged in daily cake.

“Diets that leave you feeling deprived are a recipe for failure, and this study shows it,” said Roger Parco, nutrition guru and owner of “That’s the reason I steer people toward diets like Weight Watchers, which allows all foods in moderation. You could have a slice of chocolate cake, or any other food you crave, every morning while on Weight Watchers and still be compliant, as long as you stick to your daily points.”

For more nutrition guidance, Weight Watchers diet information, or Weight Watchers coupons, please visit Parco’s website at

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Taxi Company Goes the Extra Mile to Help Passengers

PRLog (Press Release) - Mar 22, 2012 -
Charanjit Mannu commented ‘It’s great to help passengers know their rights, there is so much smoke and mirrors when it comes to taxis as a lot of passengers do not know their rights, and rogue taxi and private hire drivers prey on venerable passengers, I hope the advice I give helps passages get a better deal, but it also goes into detail on what to do if you do encounter a problem. The information on the blog is written and approved by the managers at yellow taxis, we have over 100 years combined experience, and it’s time we gave something back to the public for the years of fantastic custom their have given us.’ Charanjit went on to explain that he hopes the information would help clean up the stereo typical view of what a taxi company is and the way drivers operate.

Below is a snippet of one of the articles already published on his site. Visit to see the blog.

Travel Safety

One of the questions I most often get asked as the owner of a taxi company is how do I get a good deal on taxis when I am aboard, how do I spot rogue drivers, I will try and cover as many if these questions as I can. The answer really depends on the amount of driving you intend to do. If you intend to go places within walking distance perhaps only use a taxi as needed. Contrarily, if many of the places are far away, then it might be more prudent to rent a car for the duration of your trip.

Whenever you are flying to your travel spot, try and use the airport limo or a possible airport pick-up service. This ensures that you do not have to wait in line for a taxi and that you can promptly arrive at your hotel with the least possible frustration.

If you are traveling overseas, always have local currency in a variety of denominations. It is much easier to be ripped off by a taxi driver or shopkeeper if the smallest bill in your wallet represents a week's or even month's profit. Small change can sometimes be difficult to come by, so hang onto your coins when you get them.

When traveling in a strange city by taxi, ask an independent third party i.e front desk clerk or baggage porter what the right rate is for a trip to your destination. Also confirm the rate with the driver before you get into the cab. This helps prevent you from getting ripped off.

If you are arriving in a new city and don't yet feel comfortable there, consider asking your hotel provide for an airport pickup service. This will allow you to avoid the pitfalls of baggage porters and taxi lines which trap many first time travellers. It also ensures you don't get lost in the city and go straight to your hotel.

To save energy when traveling in hilly or mountainous areas, consider taking a taxi to the highest point in the town or area you're visiting, this lets you see the whole town, including any mountain vistas, without having to cover too much altitude and wearing yourself out.

When you're traveling and you're in need of a taxi, make sure you pay attention to the meter. When you first get into the taxi make sure that the meter isn't broken, it is properly zeroed out, and it is turned on and off when you get out. It is easier to be scammed in a foreign place. Paying attention to these simple meter tips can ensure you're charged a proper rate and not swindled.

When traveling in other countries, be wary of what taxis you get into. Make sure the taxi actually is legitimate before getting in. Any idiots can slap a "Taxi" sign on to their car and you never know who they might be or where they might end up taking you.

Whether you are traveling within the United States or in a foreign country, always make sure the taxi cabs you use are certified with the city. There is usually a sticker visible from the back seat of the vehicle. If you are unsure, research city-licensed cabs before you travel. This way, you can avoid unlicensed cabs that overcharge their patrons, and save money to do more fun things during your travels.

Carry a business card or book of matches from your hotel with you everywhere you go. If you are out on the streets of a foreign city and find yourself lost, this small item will be very useful when trying to get directions from a taxi driver or a local on the street. It is especially useful for anyone without a firm grip on the language.

When you're traveling and you're in need of a taxi, make sure you pay attention to the meter. When you first get into the taxi make sure that the meter isn't broken, it is properly zeroed out, and it is turned on and off when you get out. Taxi scams are famous all over the world, and in a foreign place it is easy to get scammed. Paying attention to these simple meter tips can ensure you're charged a proper rate and not swindled.

If you are arriving in a new city and don't yet feel comfortable there, consider asking if your hotel provides an airport pickup service. This will allow you to avoid the pitfalls of baggage porters and taxi lines which trap many first time travellers. It also ensures you don't get lost in the city and go straight to your hotel.

Visit for information.

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Vince Thadani joins Cranberry Networks

PRLog (Press Release) - Mar 22, 2012 -
Santa Clara, CA.  Vince Thadani joined Cranberry Networks to propogate their new lines of product in the US Market.  "As the National Product Manager of our new line of products, Vince Thadani will be creating new discussion forums with CEO's and CIO's in the SMB/Enterprise about reducing their total cost of ownership in the wireless space, while embracing to features of security and management", said Mr. Singh, President and CEO of Cranberry Networks. "Feedback from these discussions, led by Mr. Thadani will help us better bring affordable SMB/Enterprise wireless products to the market place while not negotiating on the feature set of security and management protocols."

About Cranberry Networks

Cranberry Networks is a Silcon Valley based company, with manufacturing offices in Asia. Cranberry has specialized in wireless hardware and software applications since 2005, disroupting the growth in Wi-Fi, offering Access Points, Controllers, routerboards and wireless cards at very competitive price points.

Cranberry offers "touchless" Wireless Management to enhance your remote IT infrastructure. You can learn more about us by visiting us at

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Good Earth Natural Foods Chooses KiVi Organics

PRLog (Press Release) - Mar 22, 2012 -
KiVi Organics will debut at Good Earth in Fairfax on Saturday, March 24, 2012, with its full line of facial cleansers, moisturizers and toners, eye make up removers, detox masks, body scrubs, body lotions, and bath salts.  

Shoppers will have an opportunity to sample the products and meet the founder—Kirsten Santa.  Kirsten will be providing information and samples of her products on Saturday 4PM to 7PM and again on Monday, March 26, 2012 from 4PM-7PM.  During those hours, shoppers will also receive free gifts with their purchase of Kivi products.

KiVi Organics is a unique botanical skin care line that contains no preservatives or chemicals; and is manufactured locally in the Ancient Artisan method of production, which helps preserve the natural benefits of the ingredients.

“Kivi Organics is thrilled that the Good Earth, a pioneer in organic foods and products has chosen to carry our product line,” says Santa. “The Good Earth’s philosophy on sourcing the finest foods and products which contain no chemical pesticides or food additives and are prepared with minimal processing makes them an ideal partner for KiVi Organics.”  

KiVi Organics products are currently carried in Whole Foods, Woodlands Market   and other spas and boutiques, in Northern California.

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Celebrity Pregnancy Photographer Releases New Book For Expectant Moms

pregnancyportraitsPRLog (Press Release) - Mar 22, 2012 -
Celebrity Pregnancy Photographer Releases New Book For Expectant Moms

Photographer, Rachel Jeraffi is pleased to announce the release of her new book, Pregnancy Portraits: A Do-It-Yourself Guide. This new e-book is an easy step-by-step guide to taking one's own Maternity portraits at home. No prior technical photography knowledge required.

Readers will learn secrets from a celebrity pregnancy photographer so that they can create their own fabulous belly portraits just like a pro.

Many expectant moms would like to get their pregnancy portraits taken, but when the time comes, are either hesitant on spending the money on themselves(rather than on baby), can't find a photographer they like in their immediate area, or are not able to do so because of religious rules and beliefs. For women with additional children, including small children in the photo shoot can be a stressful task, because their behavior is sometimes unpredictable. Pregnancy Portraits: A Do-It-Yourself Guide provides an easy, cost effective and fun solution for capturing the beauty of pregnancy.

Rachel believes that getting a pregnancy portrait is not just about the end result, but the process itself is a way for women to adjust and accept the beauty of their new form.

Recent Reviews:

“Rachel’s insight to the stunning beauty of childbirth is breathtaking and inspiring.
She lifts the pregnant body up and gives it the respect it deserves.” -- Melissa Etheridge, Two-time Grammy award-winning singer/songwriter, composer

"This is a great gift for your wife. Seriously, I never thought this would mean so much to her.
I am so glad we took Pregnancy Portraits with Rachel Jeraffi....and the pictures...I love them all!
If you don't hire her services, at least get her Do-It-Yourself guide. You will be loved forever"...
Keyshawn Johnson, Former NFL Wide Receiver and Current ESPN Broadcaster

Book Information:
Pregnancy Portraits: A Do-It-Yourself Guide
Author:  Rachel Jeraffi
ISBN: 978-0-9832230-0-9
Pages: 126
Published: January 2011

About The Author
Rachel Jeraffi has been a photographer for the past twenty years, specializing in artistic maternity and newborn photography since 1994. She completed an extensive three year photography training, and with the birth of her first daughter decided to focus on maternity.

Her work has been featured in numerous publications including 'The Los- Angeles Times', 'The British Sun' and 'Pregnancy magazine', to name a few. Rachel has been featured on the popular TV shows:'A Baby Story' on The Learning Channel and 'Life Moments' on NBC, and her work was selected for the 'Mother's retreat' room at the 2007 Screen Actors Guild Awards.

Over the years, Rachel has photographed many familiar names including stars from the entertainment industry, music industry, and professional sports world. She has participated in various art shows and won numerous awards for her work, including the "Gold Medal Creativity Award". Rachel has been supporting various children's charities including "The Carousel of Hope" and 'Project cuddle'.

Her greeting card line "I am Loved" was created especially for Project Cuddle, with 100% of the profit going directly to the organization, dedicated to saving babies from abandonment. Rachel resides in Los-Angeles with her husband and three children, and works mainly out of her Encino studio.

For more information, review copies, or interviews please contact the author at:

Rachel Jeraffi

Pregnancy Portraits is available through the author’s website.

We here at are excited about what we do. We enjoy books, we enjoy helping authors, and most of all we enjoy creating buzz for books. We help authors and small publishers succeed in the book marketing world. We're ready to work for you!!!

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Conference for Religious Educators to Ask “What Will We Teach Our Children About Each Other?”

PRLog (Press Release) - Mar 22, 2012 -
Aspiring and emerging religious educators – Christian, Jewish, and Muslim – are invited to apply to participate in a ground-breaking conference to be held in late June 2012 to ask the vital question “What will we teach our children about each other?” and, through the support of generous donors, all those chosen to participate will do so free-of-charge.

The conference, scheduled for June 24-27, 2012 at the Isabella Freedman Jewish Retreat Center in the Connecticut Berkshires, is the result of a unique partnership between the Retreat Center and the Manhattan College Holocaust, Genocide, and Interfaith Education Center.  

Dr. Mehnaz Afridi, the new Director of the Manhattan College center, is the first Muslim to serve as the director of a Holocaust center in North America and stresses the value of teaching the next generation lessons in interreligious respect and understanding.  “This will be a unique opportunity to engage future religious leaders in a multi-day setting,” says Dr. Afridi, “not only to listen to and learn from one another but to begin to engage in real hands-on collaborative work in creating new models for religious education.”

According to Dr. Afridi, the conference’s goals include fostering relationships among future religious educators; exploring existing practices in religious education that help to shape narratives that lead to suspicion, misunderstanding, mistrust; and exploring potential practices, both within communities and through interreligious partnership, that would foster a new narrative promoting respect, understanding, and cooperation.

The conference is set to include a combination of plenaries, facilitated group conversations, and collaborative work between diverse groups of participants, all under the guidance of experienced conference leaders with histories in interreligious dialogue and education.  Leaders for the conference are set to include Michel Andraos of the Catholic Theological Union; Haifa Bint Kadi, a New York-based Arts Educator; Nancy Fuchs Kreimer of Reconstructionist Rabbinical College; Hussein Rashid of Center for Spiritual Inquiry; Rabbi Or Rose of Hebrew College; and Dr. Afridi.

With the support of generous partners including the Common Sense Fund, Ken Orce, Michael Somoroff, American Jewish Committee, Anti-Defamation League, and the New Light Foundation, all selected participants will be able to attend the conference free-of-charge, including lodging and meals.  

“We are excited not only to be able to offer such a ground-breaking event,” says Isabella Freedman Executive Director David Weisberg, “but to be able to offer it in a way that removes the financial obstacle that could prevent some young emerging religious educators from attending.” According to Weisberg, potential participants range from those engaged in university studies leading to a career in religious education to those actively working as religious educators, whether in religious, secular private, public schools, or other venues.  While the conference aims to engage aspiring and emerging educators, there is no age restriction for applicants.

Those interested in applying for conference participation should visit or call 860-824-5991, extension 305.

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Abercrombie And Fitch Coupons - Everyone Gets Valid Abercrombie and Fitch Coupons Here

ABERCROMBIE AND FITCH COUPONSPRLog (Press Release) - Mar 22, 2012 -
Abercrombie and Fitch Coupons - Abercrombie and Fitch is a popular American clothing company, which focuses on producing high quality casual wears for their consumers. Abercrombie and fitch couture can be found in over 300 locations around the United States. They also own Hollister and Gilly Chicks. Abercrombie and Fitch Coupons can be used in all 300 stores in America and also online. These coupons can be used to reduce a cost on Hollister, Gillychicks and Abercrombie and fitch couture.

You can find valid Abercrombie and Fitch coupons at

Abercrombie and Fitch was founded in 1892 in Manhattan by David Abercrombie and Ezra Fitch as an elite sporting and excursion goos company. In 1978 Oshman sporting goods bought Abercrombie and fitch and afterwards sold the company to The Limited - a clothing chain operator based in Ohio. In the words of Abercrombie and Fitch - they sell aspirational causal luxury wear and lifestyle brands.

Abercrombie & Fitch, as everyone knows is among the popular brand for the actual casual wear around the world. Widely favourite between the teenagers, the brand offers good quality of these products. The trendy and also the classy designs from the apparels it provides, lets the individual get a different personality altogether. Abercrombie & Fitch takes care from the needs of precisely about all. Hence, it not just offers A&F tshirts for the teenagers but additionally offers a multitude of Abercrombie cargo trousers, kid's Abercrombie Adirondack coat and casuals too. The history from the brand justifies how the choice of the actual brand earlier, was previously mainly by the actual elite sections just. But, now the Abercrombie & Fitch t-shirts and Abercrombie & Fitch t shirt is visible worn by numerous and afforded through all.

The brand has had its business for an incredible stage. Perfectly known for researching concerning the customer's needs as well as concerns, the brand always maintains a picture or goodwill of itself between the people. The Abercrombie & Fitch Company could maintain its annual turnover to become continuously rising. The turnover outcome showcases its popularity between the people.

Abercrombie & Fitch stores could be located in many areas of United States. It's amongst the well-known brands of The united states. The A&F stores will also be designed uniquely letting the shoppers enjoy the cultural design and architecture from the store set up throughout the early ages. The organization enjoys a lengthy history of its working and also the set up from the company from the first 80's till the present modern year. The look of the Abercrombie shops showcases a white molding using the brand name written in black more than it. The interiors from the Abercrombie stores display a dim light letting the client enjoy the good vibes. The dim light lets the shoppers strain less and revel in the shopping several hours. A spot lighting can also be placed inside to be able to view the clothing within an appropriate manner. The A&F stores play electronic dance music for that perfect ambience. The music lets the client relax and store along.

In modern times, Abercrombie & Fitch has involved in philanthropic as well as humanitarian projects. Within January 2010, the organization launched the "A&F Cares" function on its website to see the public regarding its efforts within the fields of variety, inclusion, human privileges, philanthropy, and durability.

You can find valid Abercrombie and Fitch coupons at .

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Air Pacific Opens New Tabua Club Lounge at Nadi International Airport

PRLog (Press Release) - Mar 22, 2012 - Fiji’s national carrier Air Pacific has officially opened its new Tabua Club Lounge at its home base at Nadi International Airport, the country’s international gateway. Conveniently sited on the ground floor of the Departure Hall of the airport, the Tabua Club Lounge is located to the left of Air Pacific’s premium business lounge. It is for the exclusive use of the airline’s Tabua Club members and those customers wishing to pay to use lounge services in Nadi before their international flights.

The new 75-seater lounge offers customers an affordable and relaxing way to unwind and refresh before their flight. It provides a quiet, inviting environment which will be especially attractive to those flying during busier departure times at Nadi. Our guests can enjoy a delicious selection of hot and cold savoury bites prepared by some of the best local culinary hotspots, and beverages which include a great selection of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. With shower facilities and high-speed internet access, the Tabua Club Lounge is our Fijian Oasis, catering to the discerning traveller who enjoys the little extras.

Air Pacific’s privileged Tabua Club members will have complementary access to the Lounge when travelling on the day on an Air Pacific ticket. Other guests wishing to use lounge services can do so at F$75 per day, available for purchase at check-in counters or at the Lounge reception.

The new Tabua Club Lounge is a demonstration of Air Pacific’s continued commitment towards enhancing the Fiji travel experiences of its guests. It complements the existing premium Business Class Lounge, which is now dedicated exclusively to our Business Class customers.  


Tabua Club offers members Priority Reservations, Business Class Check-in, Business Class Upgrades, Excess Baggage Allowance, Express Lanes and Lounge access. Individual and corporate membership options are available. Please visit, email or call 673 7631 / 673 7630 for details.

ISSUED March 13, 2012

Air Pacific Executive Office
For press queries please contact:
Shane Hussein
Manager Public Relations and Communications
Air Pacific Limited | Nadi, Fiji
Ph: +679 673 7425; Cell: +679 9906164


Air Pacific and its subsidiary Pacific Sun together fly over 400 flights per week. The company operates B747, and B737 aircraft from Fiji to 15 cities in 10 countries. Destinations include Hong Kong, USA, Australia, New Zealand, Samoa, Tonga, Tuvalu, Kiribati, Vanuatu, and Solomon Islands. Air Pacific aircraft bring in 68 percent of all visitors who fly to Fiji. The Company employs over 790 employees, earns revenues of F$600 million, and directly contributes a significant portion of the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Pacific Sun operates a combination of ATR 42-500s and De Havilland Twin Otter aircraft on Fiji’s 10 domestic island routes and regional flights to Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu

Air Pacific, the Fiji island's national airline, has earned an envious reputation as the prime carrier on the Australia-Fiji holiday route, offering typically gracious Fijian service.

View the original article here

NEW Philips X7-2T repair capabilities

PRLog (Press Release) - Mar 22, 2012 -
Probelogic is proud to announce that in a joint venture with the Soltec ( development team they have developed the technology required to repair the new Philips X7-2T TEE probe.

“The challenge with repairing the X7-2T was due to the absolutely incredible design of this probe. The tip of this probe is an engineering masterpiece with 2500 Active crystal elements in an array operating at 2-7Mhz. Using beamforming algorithms, the system is able to produce live 3D cardiac echo images during transesophageal exams. The challenge with such an amazing probe is repair. It doesn’t matter how careful users are, sooner or later the probe will get dropped or knocked and stop functioning. Probelogic will be one of the first repair centres in the world with the capabilities to repair the X7-2T.” Said Alan Barker, President and CEO of Probelogic Pty Ltd in a statement this afternoon.

Probelogic was founded in 2002 to meet the growing demand for better cost efficiencies in the diagnostic imaging sectors, of the Australasian healthcare environment.

Approximately 25% of transducers in clinical use, have some type of undetected fault or performance inhibiting structural defect.

Approximately 2 out of 3 transducers previously thought to be 'faulty', can be successfully repaired and returned to service.

Previously, the only option for the operators of diagnostic ultrasound equipment was to purchase a NEW transducer from the equipment manufacturer.

The average cost of Probelogic transducer repairs are only a fraction of the cost of a NEW transducer.

With over 80 years total experience in the field of medical diagnostic ultrasound and biomedical engineering, Probelogic's professional team will ensure the delivery of cost effective solutions to diagnostic ultrasound service providers.
Our focus is the provision of premium quality repairs and excellent customer service.

Probelogic intend to offer the new repair capabilities to the general market by mid year.

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Hip-Hop Artist Frank Mizzy Hits The Stage on Knarley Party Philly Dates

PRLog (Press Release) - Mar 22, 2012 -
Press Contact:
Rock ‘n Retail PR

Hip-Hop Artist Frank Mizzy Hits The Stage in Philly to Support the Knarley Party Tour with Da Boy Bake, Gav Deor and Shake & Problem

Pemberton, NJ…Hip Hop Artist Frank Mizzy was the driving force in the group Diverse Elegance that was nominated as Group of The Year at both the Underground Music Awards and the Indie Elite Music Awards.  Mizzy is now going after his dream - a solo career.

Despite the devotion to his artistry, Mizzy balances work as the President of Capital Grind Entertainment, continual songwriting and finishing his Master’s Degree.  A savvy businessman, during college Mizzy met his current business partner, DJ  Since the day they met it’s been a shared dream to push the envelope on how far they can take their musical passion for themselves as artists, and for other artists they believe in.  They began with a mixtape series for that was used as a promotional tool for their own music and their eventual success led to the opportunity of hosting their own live shows & college tour events – thus the birth of Capital Grind Entertainment, LLC

Concentrating right now on the career of the emerging hip hop artist and co-owner of the company, Frank Mizzy promotes leadership and perseverance through his music.  He maintains a positive influence on those around him and hopes his music will do the same.  

Due out in mid-2012 will be Mizzy’s first solo album.  Meanwhile, the label is feeding fan frenzy by providing full song streaming on their website of tracks including: “Y’all Don’t Really Hear Me Tho”, and “Dreams Money Can Buy” in tandem with the songs’ videos.  To listen and view, go to

Coming down the pike are perhaps Mizzy’s favorites:  "Is It Worth It" and "Sink or Swim" which will be featured on the album and available as a free download to those who have signed up for the mailing list on the website.

Mizzy’s other passion for live performance, is taking shape as an upcoming tour materializes.   He was invited to support the “Knarley Party Tour” and will appear in Philadelphia alongside Da Boy Bake, Gav Deor and Shake & Problem at both The Legendary Dobbs (Tuesday, March 27) & Arts Garage (Monday, April 16).  The Arts Garage event will feature special guests:  Aneesa from the Real World and Natasha Chantel (model for- Ink & HipHop Magazine); and both events are sponsored by Vitamin Water.

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Spirit Pen, the Official Black Out Child Abuse.

black out logoPRLog (Press Release) - Mar 22, 2012 -
Spirit Roller Pen would like to once again clarify that it is no longer a sponsor of What A Fan. As the owner of the trademarks “Spirit Pen” and “Black Out Child Abuse” Spirit Pen would also like to make it know that the use of it’s logos and trademarks by What A Fan is not approved at this time. There is a facebook page in use by What A Fan that isnot authorized and uses the logo without permission. We are working to resolve this issue, but no partnership remains between Spirit Pen and What A Fan.

"We hope we can work something out with What A Fan and get by this speed-bump. We had a good relationship with What A Fan in the past and hope we can resolve this issue without hard feelings. We would also like to verify as the owners of the "Black Out Child Abuse" trademark that Liz Gorman is the company spokeswoman. Liz is a great asset and is working hard to bring awareness to this cause and the "Pink Out, Roll Out the Cure" for brest cancer awareness as well as a few other causes led by Spirit Pen.", said Spirit Pen's Director of Operations. “Liz is a great example to young people and her community involvement should be an inspiration to all.”

 If you would like more information on the “Black Out Child Abuse” campaign please go to the Authentic Facebook page.

 "The focus of Spirit Pen in it's Black Out Child Abuse campaign remains and will always be about bringing awareness to the cause. It is the intention of Spirit Pen to control the integrity of the name and assure your efforts are directed in the right direction. Thank you for your support."

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Will Shortz Crowns First World Palindrome Champion

WPCgroupPRLog (Press Release) - Mar 22, 2012 -
The Palindromist Magazine
Contact: Mark Saltveit      

Will Shortz Crowns First "World Palindrome Champion" in Brooklyn
Kinky "Yak Sex" Tale Edges "Not Newt" Gingrich Palindrome

A standup comedian from Portland, Oregon defeated two professors, two computer programmers, a cartoonist and a book clerk to win the first World Palindrome Championship, hosted by Will Shortz, the New York Times' crossword puzzle editor.  

600 word nerds filled the ballroom at the Marriott Hotel at the Brooklyn Bridge and watched seven prominent palindromists deliver new reversible verses written on the spot.  Audience members voted by deploying signs that said "WOW" on one side (for their favorite) and  "HUH?" on the other. Portland comic Mark Saltveit squeaked past Minnesotan John Connett, a Professor of Biostatistics, by an audience vote of 169-165.  

Saltveit's winning entry was an elliptical tale of kinky shenanigans:
"Devil Kay fixes trapeze part; sex if yak lived."
Connett nearly won with a political tale about Ron Paul and Newt Gingrich:
" 'Not Newt!' Ron's snort went on."
Cartoonist Jon ("Go Hang a Salami, I'm a Lasagna Hog") Agee placed third with another randy entry:
"'Zoning' is Mr. Al Axe's sex alarm sign in Oz."
MIT Professor Nick Montfort placed fourth with a long palindromic poem about Star Wars, titled "The Millennium Falcon Rescue."

Saltveit said "I actually thought my second entry was better, but the crowd loved the yak."  He was referring to his second palindrome: "I tan. I mull. In a way, Obama, I am a boy – a wan illuminati."

Also competing were Boston's Barry Duncan, the "Master Palindromist" featured on NPR and in the September, 2011 issue of The Believer Magazine; Australian software analyst Martin Clear; and Connecticut programmer Doug ("Lisa Bonet ate no basil") Fink.  The event was recorded by filmmaker Michael Rossi, who is working on a feature-length documentary titled "Master Palindromist," and took place on March 16, 2012.

Other palindromes in competition included Martin Clear's "Sexes, red, let a fez amaze fat elders' exes," Doug Fink's "Deny barb to hero Will: I wore hot bra by Ned," and Connett's "Yen more to vote Romney?" Jon Agee also discussed Romney by critiquing his artistic skills -- "Mitt's art? No contrast, Tim"  -- and Montfort and Duncan produced long poem-like palindromes of 57 and 70 words, respectively.  Montfort's work, "The Millenium Falcon Rescue," begins "Wow, sagas ... Solo's deed, civic deed. Eye dewed, a doom-mood. A pop."  Duncan's untitled piece starts "7, no? Do! Past I? How? Oh, now I spat! Fired, no? Will: a foe? Not! Ah, then a fair event now (i.e., solid)."

The 7 finalists had 75 minutes to construct palindromes fitting any one of 3 constraints (use an X and a Z in your palindrome; write about someone prominent in the news in the last 12 months; or write about the competition itself.) Shortz, who has run the American Crossword Puzzle Tournament since 1978, created the pioneering event as part of that tournament's opening night festivities.

The competitors have published many palindromic works.  Jon Agee is the author of four books of palindrome cartoons, including "Go Hang a Salami, I'm a Lasagna Hog" and is preparing a fifth, "PalindromicStrips." Saltveit, the editor of The Palindromist Magazine,, has published a sotadic book of days ("A Man, A Plan… 2002") as well as articles in Harvard Magazine, The Oregonian, Collective Fallout and Word Ways.  Professor Montfort wrote "2002: A Palindrome Story" with William Gillespie.  Martin Clear has written several articles for The Palindromist and published hundreds of palindromes on  Connett has several articles and hundreds of palindromes in Word Ways, The Palindromist and, and Duncan was the subject of a feature in The Believer as well as an upcoming documentary, and has published an article in Word Ways.

Full results of the World Palindrome Championship, including the full long palindromes and vote totals, are available on the website of The Palindromist magazine, at .

If you'd like more information about this event, or to schedule an interview with Will Shortz or any of the contestants, please contact Mark Saltveit at

The Palindromist is a subscription-based magazine and website based in Portland, Oregon. We do not accept advertising.

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Au Pair of the Year Award for 2012 Announced

PRLog (Press Release) - Mar 22, 2012 -
Every year thousands of youth worldwide embark on a cultural journey by becoming au pairs.  Leaving behind the familiarity of their homeland for as long as one year, au pairs travel to distant countries, where they are welcomed into different cultures and become part of a new family.  For most of the au pairs, this is their first experience away from home and their first opportunity to experience a new country.

The “IAPA Au Pair of the Year” award is one way of giving au pairs the recognition and credit they deserve and enhances the public’s awareness of this demanding yet undervalued cultural experience.  

IAPA members ask host families to nominate outstanding individuals who, if selected, can act as a spokesperson for au pairs around the globe. The host family is asked to complete a Nomination Form explaining in a written essay why their au pair should be considered for the IAPA Au Pair of the Year Award. The essay should be from 500 to 850 words (about 1 page, single spaced) and must be written in English.

Au Pair Finalists are required to write a short essay detailing their au pair experience. The winning au pair is invited to attend, with all expenses paid, the award ceremony that takes place every year during the IAPA Annual Conference and Work Experience Travel Market.  This year a German au pair, known as Birte, was given her award in Budapest, Hungary.

Birte is from Smart Au Pairs, an au pair agency located in the UK, with offices in Australia. Birte is the au pair for the Bess family and helped the family with the care for their two young children and newborn twins when they lived in Lambton, near Newcastle England. The Bess family, originally from the USA, knew they needed an extra pair of hand to help with the children after the twins were born.  Read more about the story here and learn more about the previous winners:

"Au Pair" is a French phrase that translates, loosely, "as an equal" or "on par."  Au pairs are not considered nannies, nor are they considered "employees" - an au pair is a young foreign woman or young man, who desires to come abroad for a year, live with an American family, experience a new culture, travel and make American friends.

There are 14 unique and different au pair agencies in the United States.  Au Pair Clearinghouse is the first and only website that reviews and rates all 14 agencies and provides news stories and press releases on the au pair industry; interviews with experts in the field; offers top hosting tips for parents and publishes the Top Au Pair Agencies List.

AuPairClearinghouse is the first and only website that reviews and rates all United States au pair agencies. We make choosing the best agency and best au pair for your family easy, affordable and safe. Finally, a better way to choose an au pair!

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Zeondre releases releases his debut self-titled EP

PRLog (Press Release) - Mar 22, 2012 -
Colorado - Zeondre releases his debut self titled EP.

Zeondre is a complex and a deep thinking musician.  Being creative with his subjects he strategically searches for words that have meaning to him, and that touch his heart.  He knew at an early age that being a performer would be his destiny.  After graduating high school Zeondre automatically threw himself into his music.  As a strategic thinker, he joined the work force so he could invest into what would become his future, his music career.  Hard work and dedication to the art of perfection allowed him the grace and vision to complete his first EP.

“Remission” which is the title of his current single, is one of those words that have a deep meaning to Zeondre.  It’s used in the health field relating to the state of absence of disease activity in patients.  Remission is also used in theology and penology.  I’m sure we can find other applications for this word, but for Zeondre it is personal.  It’s the representation of moving on from his father’s death, from his absence, from the anger this life changing experience created for him.  The theme of this song is learning to let go.  Its delivery is a rock/pop beat that captures audience’s attention.  You can’t go wrong with a hot beat and a great thought provoking topic.

Four gloriously personal rock/pop songs that will not only inspire you and delight you but will make you move your body as well.  Zeondre shares his personal life with his fans and they are pulled to his music like a bee to honey.

“I want to reach deep within everybody and make them feel part of my songs.  ‘Remission’ is a total success at accomplishing all of the above.”

“I have had a good life so far, since I always appreciate what I have and learned from tough experiences.  I always look at the positive side of things.  I strongly believe my ambitions, my impact on life and the people around me along with my goals do not have a limit”.

The EP “Zeondre” is available at most digital storefronts along with but not limited to the following: (Search:  Zeondre)

Zeondre is currently working with A & R Select based in West Hollywood, Ca. for licensing, publishing, a record deal and/or placement opportunities.  For additional information, please contact them at:

A & R Select is a promotional and placement company for musicians all over the world. Based in Hollywood, Ca., they have a strategic location for all musicians as they continually flock to that area of the world for recognition and stardom.

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Astor Place Riot's "Fine White Line" was released in December 2011

PRLog (Press Release) - Mar 22, 2012 -
Astor Place Riot

Astor Place Riot was a four-member band, which was already practicing together when they decided to put an ad onto Craigslist for a lead singer.  Although they were aware of the news reports regarding the Craigslist murders, they moved forward in placing this ad.  They met with Joshua Fletcher who, after the first time they practiced with him, knew that he was the right one for the position. They have not stopped playing since.

Band members include:
Tim Condo (drums/percussion)
Clay Gibson (guitarist/vocalist)
Susan Janis (violin/viola)
Jason Majewski (bass)
Joshua Fletcher (lead vocals/songwriter/guitarist)

After their first show at a local outdoor music festival hosted by MTV reality stars, the band continued performing at various venues in the area to build up a local following.  

Astor Place Riot most recent CD “Fine White Line” was released in December 2011
with rave reviews.  Their lead single “Complete Waste” (originally titled ‘Complete Waste of Time’) refers to someone’s constant talk about what they will do but never set out to accomplish it.  This song also deals with consequences of these non-actions.   This single has a hot rock beat to it.  It is fast paced with many guitar riffs, vocal harmonies with a bit of a suspenseful texture to it.  

“Fine White Line” carries many common threads that run through their songs such as working with a melodic core and with clever instrumental arrangements.  The vocals are great, arrangements are pure rock and you cannot get any better than that.  
Astor Place Riot’s mass appeal is due to their storylines and great rock sound.  They are very radio friendly and their music is memorable, giving current rockers a run for their money.

“Fine White Line” is available in both digital and physical formats.
Astor Place Riot was a finalist in WKQQ Decent Exposure Battle of the Bands.

“Jared Lee created the artwork for “Fine White Line”.  Otherwise, both of our albums were completed purely from the talents of the band.  We wrote, arranged, recorded, mixed and mastered both of our albums – all while fulfilling other fulltime obligations.  A strength of ours is the ability to consistently create quality products from our own talents and drive.  With such a solid foundation and an extensive catalog of songs yet to be recorded, we can only imagine what we could accomplish with the right musical partnership(s).”

You can listen to and/or purchase songs or entire albums from either “Without Wax” EP or their latest CD “Fine White Line” by logging onto any of the following websites: (Search:  Astor Place Riot)

Astor Place Riot is currently working with A & R Select based in Beverly Hills, Ca. for licensing, publishing, a record deal and/or placement opportunities.  For additional information, please contact them at:

A & R Select is a promotional and placement company for musicians all over the world. Based in Hollywood, Ca., they have a strategic location for all musicians as they continually flock to that area of the world for recognition and stardom.

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Annapolis Video Production Company StratDV To Provide Video Content For Annual CRTC Awards Event

PRLog (Press Release) - Mar 22, 2012 -
StratDV Video Production an award winning creator and producer of web video production content in the Annapolis and Baltimore Market was selected by the Chesapeake Regional Tech Council to provide video and audio content for the annual Tech Awards Ceremony Event to be held near BWI Airport on March 29th 2012.

The Chesapeake Regional Tech Council, Tech Awards Ceremony is a prestigious annual event drawing technology companies and participants throughout the Maryland region.

As described in the about section of its website: "The Chesapeake Regional Tech Council energizes and propels the advancement of technologies with the exchange of ideas, expertise and business and partnership opportunities."

Further the CRTC is described as a resource for visibility, connections, knowledge and education for technology companies in and around the community in the Annapolis-Washington-Baltimore region.

StratDV Video Production is a full service provider of web video content for businesses and non-profits throughout the Baltimore and Annapolis region. StratDV assists its clients in the creation of online video content including: video white papers, case studies, testimonials, introduction videos, video playlist libraries, training videos, webinars, and video blogs. Case studies of StratDV clients and how they use web video can be viewed at:

StratDV is a Maryland based video production company specializing in the creation of affordable web video content for small businesses and non-profits throughout Annapolis, Baltimore, Severna Park, Glen Burnie, and Columbia Maryland.

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Eminent Photo Launches Free Photo Gallery

PRLog (Press Release) - Mar 22, 2012 -
Eminent Photo is a site offering photography prints mainly within landscape, wildlife, and other nature-related categories. The site also hosts a photo blog that offers tips and tricks for beginners and aspiring photographers. On 22 March 2012, Eminent Photo launches its free photo gallery, which also focuses on nature and wildlife images.

You can view the free gallery at this URL:

"This is not one of those royalty-free photo sites where you have to end up paying money," says Alan Frost, the owner of the site. "These photographs are completely free and ready to download."

The images are available in a standard 1200x1800 resolution, with file sizes of about 1 MB. Current categories include mammals, birds, insects, landscapes, flora and so on. The gallery will initially feature a few hundred free photos, but this number will increase rapidly over the coming months. For the immediate future, the free photo gallery will only contain nature-related images, but will likely be extended to include other kinds of photos at a later date.

The only restriction that Eminent Photo places upon the use of the photographs downloaded from the free gallery, is that they may not be redistributed.

"Nothing is required from the user, not even registration," says Alan Frost. "However, crediting or linking back to our images would be very much appreciated as it would allow us to improve our free gallery more quickly."

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A Titan of Business? Just Call Him Coach

He had been the linebackers coach at Dartmouth, and he spent the long detour on Wall Street and then in Omaha, as chief executive and chairman of TD Ameritrade, the online brokerage firm.

For the last three years, his compensation totaled nearly $41 million, not bad for a coach.

Moglia, 60, said he had not dreamed of returning to coaching but began to think about it when he stepped down as TD Ameritrade’s chief executive in 2008 to become chairman.

“There were a lot of opportunities, but then a group of alumni from the Ivy League started talking to me about what would happen if I went back to coaching,” he said in a telephone interview.

Instead of returning to his former conference, he met with Tom Osborne, the athletic director at Nebraska, which led to two years as the executive adviser to Coach Bo Pelini.

The role has let him watch the team operate but not much else.

“The N.C.A.A. doesn’t allow me to coach a position or contribute to the game plan,” Moglia said. “What I’ve gotten really was a private tutorial from Bo Pelini.”

Now he is leaving big business — his contract with TD Ameritrade expires in May — and big-time college football for the U.F.L., which will have six teams when his Virginia club starts next season.

The money-losing league has teams in Orlando, Fla.; Hartford; Las Vegas; Omaha; and Sacramento.

“Projecting forward,” Moglia said, “if the N.F.L. goes on strike, we’re the only game in town.”

Joe Yukica, the coach at Dartmouth during Moglia’s tenure there, said that he did not think Moglia would have difficulty reacquainting himself with coaching a team. “He’s got a good feel for football, and the techniques stay with you,” he said.

Although the league’s news release said that Moglia had been Dartmouth’s defensive coordinator, Yukica said he was a linebackers coach and had the best defensive knowledge of his assistants and the most input into the defensive game plan.

Moglia is the latest high-level official from TD Ameritrade to break into sports. The family of Joe Ricketts, who founded the company that became TD Ameritrade, now owns the Chicago Cubs.

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The Fifth Down: Rex Ryan Spoofs His Brother Rob

Some things are worthless without sound and pictures. So here’s a video of Jets Coach Rex Ryan dressed up as his twin brother Rob, Cleveland’s defensive coordinator, and poking fun at him. And here’s the transcript of his remarks Wednesday, as furnished by the Jets.

(Rex and the Jets meet Rob and the Browns on Sunday, the latest installment in a sibling rivalry that has included expletive-laced backyard wiffle ball games, bone-crunching tackles and around 100 fights.)

Opening remarks…
Injury report. There are two guys that did not practice today. Marquice Cole with the hamstring that he got late in the game (and) Matt Slauson with his knee did not practice today. He finished the game, but I guess that knee is bothering him. I expect him to practice tomorrow, but we’ll see. (He) did not practice today though. Josh Mauga was limited with a hamstring. The guys that were full (were) Calvin Pace (foot) (and) Darrelle Revis (hamstring). Tony Richardson and LaDainian Tomlinson were out there today. It was just a coach’s decision, but they’re not injury related but I put them on the list because they told me too (smiling).

You guys sit tight real quick.

(Laughter as Rex Ryan comes back into the room dressed as his brother Rob Ryan)

(Impersonating his brother Rob Ryan) Let’s get down to business today. First off, I want to mention that obviously my dad one time from the league, I guess there was some question about a certain bounty that he put on a player. Obviously, that wasn’t true. I’m saying there is a bounty this week. I know I’m going to hear from the league, but I’m placing a bounty on my brother’s head. I do have some concerns. I have some concerns that some of our players may bounce off of him, to be honest with you (laughter). That notwithstanding, there is a bounty. I know I’m going to hear about it from the league, but I say the way it is, the truth, and that is the truth.

On his brother Rex Ryan…
(Impersonating his brother Rob Ryan) I think Rex is a great coach. I think he is a great person. There is no question about that. He’s very handsome (laughter).

On what happened to his gray hair…
(Impersonating his brother Rob Ryan) I’m trying to get a head coaching job, so I’m dying it a little bit (laughter). (I’m) looking young.

On his curly hair…
(Impersonating his brother Rob Ryan) The curls are part of it. They’re natural. It’s just the way it is.

On his goatee…
(Impersonating his brother Rob Ryan) I trimmed it up a little bit because I know it’s going to get some national attention since (we’re) coming off two big victories.

On Mark Sanchez…
(Impersonating his brother Rob Ryan) I think Mark Sanchez is great. I think he’s well-coached. I think my brother has done a great job with Mark Sanchez. Alright, are we good with this (costume)?

(Changes back to the Jets outfit)
I had to put that in (pillow under his shirt) because truly he is looking bad. He’s about 290 (pounds). He should have had the lap band (surgery). (He) did not have the lap band surgery when I did, so that’s clearly a mistake from him. I’ve always been the big twin, now I’m just the smart, good-looking twin. He’s now the big twin.

On Eric Mangini…
Mangini is so small right now. There would have been a bounty placed on him, but I don’t think anybody can hit him, he’s so small. You can’t find the little guy out there. He’s lost more than I have and I’ve had surgery (laughter). I’ve only lost 75 (pounds). I don’t know what Mangini’s lost, but I’m thinking about bringing some sand with me (and) throwing it at him.

On if he and his brother have been trash talking on the phone this week…
Oh, yes. There is plenty of that. There’s no question about it. It’s funny. We’re letting it go at each other. We’re ripping each other, everybody, all their coaches, so they put us on speaker. You know I’m taking shots at Bryan Cox, (Jerome) Henderson and Flus (Matt Eberflus), all those guys. It’s great. I think after today, we’ll probably get down to business for the most part. I think it’s going to be a great game. I really do. You look at the way they’re playing. No surprise. They’re laying it out there. This (Peyton) Hillis kid is a man. There is no question about it. He kind of reminds me of Mike Alstott. He wears the same number, big huge legs (and) can catch the football. It’s going to be a great challenge because they want to run the football clearly and we pride ourselves in being able to stop the run. We finally get to play an old-fashioned football game. It ought to be fun.

On if he knows what to expect from his brother, Rob…
Yes. He’s probably the most creative guy in the league. Him and Mike Pettine are about as creative as it gets. They try to put their players in (a) position where they can be successful. He doesn’t worry about what a player can’t do. He focuses on what they can do. You see that. When you put (Eric) Mangini and Rob together, that’s quite a team. It’s very similar to the team we have with Bob Sutton and Dennis Thurman and, of course, Mike Pettine. They let the creative juices flow and they’re doing a great job. I will say this about my brother, in all truthfulness, he probably breaks down an opponent better than anybody I’ve ever been around. He’s a football junky. He’ll know your tendencies from two years ago, so he studies everything. He tries not to be surprised on Sunday and that’s what we talked to Schotty (Brian Schottenheimer) about.

On how often he has faced his brother while both were coordinators in the NFL…
As coordinators, I think we did it a couple of times in the NFL when I was at Baltimore (and) he was at Oakland. We’re 2-0 against him, so I’ve got to keep that trend going here a little bit.

On talking to Brian Schottenheimer about Rob Ryan’s tendencies…
Well, yes. This is what I know about my brother. I know he’s going to be prepared like nobody you’ve seen. He’s creative. He’ll always try to find a mismatch for his guys. He’ll focus on what they can do and what they do well. He tries to put his players in a situation where they can succeed, but he’s going to know everything. If you look left, then right, then left, he’ll have that tendency, so he breaks down everything.

On how similar he is to his brother, Rob…

I think similar. I think we’re probably very similar, but when he came from New England especially with Eric (Mangini) and him together, that style of defense is a little different than what we played at Baltimore and now here. The way you break down film, the way you study tendencies and all that, I’ve got a great team. It’s not just me. I’ve got a great team led by Mike Pettine over there (on defense) that we don’t want to be surprised on Sunday either and we’re not. Very rarely are we surprised.

On if he feels he is betraying his brother by giving away his secrets to Schottenheimer…
No. Again, the thing about his preparation and I don’t think it’s betraying him because the fact is he’s going to work like that. That’s who he is. I think maybe nationally it may help his cause.

On if he feels he is betraying his brother by giving away his tendencies…
If you want to work as hard as he does, then you deserve to compete with him. There are very few people that can do that.

On who his father, Buddy, is rooting for…
He’s with the Jets all the way (laughter). 100 percent.

On if his success helps his brother…
Yes. I do buy that. Why wouldn’t it? It should. We’re very similar type people. The fact that Woody Johnson took a chance on me, that’s all he needs is a guy that has the courage to maybe hire just a football coach. That’s who he is. He might not (have) the corporate image. He probably doesn’t fit that. I know one thing, he’s a great coach.

On if he considered hiring his brother…
We put in for him every year. We don’t even have a job, but we put in for him every year.

On if he wanted to hire him when he got the job…
Yes. We put in for him and they denied it. Every year we put in for him. He was with Cleveland and they’re like, “Come on. We’re not going to do that. He’s not going to your place.” We make them go through the paper work anyway (smiling).

On if his brother has a trait he wished he had…
We’re so similar. I don’t know. I used to have that hair many years ago, from a physical standpoint. I think he’s true to himself and I think I’m true to myself. We’re very similar, but we’re different. We’re different people, but we’re very similar.

On the biggest difference from his brother…
That’s a good question. He’s angrier than I am (laughing). That’s what I always tell him, ‘You’re so angry.’ I get angry occasionally. He’s got a beautiful wife. So do I, obviously. Anybody that’s seen her knows that, but they’re different. I married an Oklahoma girl. He married a California girl, so that’s probably a difference. She runs his house (laughter). I’m just telling you. That’s the biggest difference (laughing). (It’s) not like I don’t. My wife runs it, you know that (smiling).

On his friendship with Mangini over the years…
What happens normally when your brother is on a different staff, you become close to those people as well because if somebody is a friend of your brother’s, they’re a friend of yours. That’s basically how my relationship started with Eric. There were times when he was coaching, whether he was the head coach of the Jets or he was with New England and my brother was in Oakland, that he would still call me and vice versa. I truly respect Eric. I think he’s a great coach. We’ve bounced things off each other in the past, especially when he was a defensive coordinator and I had the same position in Baltimore.

On if Mangini set a good foundation with the Jets before he took over…
No question. Without a doubt. There were a lot of great people in place here. It made my job much easier (because of) the fact that there was a great foundation already set.

On if he expected Braylon Edwards to be the premier big-play guy on the team this season…
I thought he had a chance to go back to being a Pro Bowl receiver. Right now he’s had one drop all season. He’s only had five touchdowns. I actually thought he had more than that. He’s a guy that should be able to get a touchdown a game. That’s the kind of ability he has. That’s the way we should target him. He steps up. He’s made some huge plays for us as you’ve talked about and I think there’s many more to come.

On why Edwards hasn’t had a touchdown every game…
I don’t’ know. We got shut out the one game. Nobody scored, so I don’t think Green Bay even scored that day. Things happen. We think he’s that kind of player. We know he’s that kind of player.

On if Edwards is amped up for the game…
Well, watching him on the practice field, I’d say he’s pretty amped up. I think you’re exactly right there.

On if Edwards is able to keep his emotions in check…
I just think there is a difference between being amped up and being out of your game. I think he’s focused in on his game. He’s excited about the opportunity to come out there back where he’s got friends. I know he has a great deal of respect for a lot of people there. Anytime you leave a spot, you want to show them. I’m going to show you. Now, Eric (Mangini) knows that. He’ll probably double him on every snap. Either way, that’s fine with us. We’ll find another way to win. Braylon will get opportunities in this game. I think he wants to showcase the kind of skill that he has.

On if he feels like he has to manage Edwards…
We had an unfortunate situation happen but that’s behind us. He does a great job, but he is focused each week. He makes very few mistakes. He’s a guy that is a great teammate. He does a lot of dirty work jobs and never questions it, just goes at it (and) blocks guys 20 yards down the field. That’s the kind of person he’s been here with our team.

On how much he had to change the culture when he got to the Jets…
The only thing I did was I came in to be myself and that’s it. I never worried about this, that, the other. I just wanted to be myself and that’s what Mr. Johnson wanted from me when I came in. He hired me to be myself and to lead the way I see fit. That’s questionable, but that’s who I am. I never worried about what happened in the past or anything else. All I wanted to was just come in and be myself and that’s easy for me to do.

On if the Jets had another potential trade offer besides Cleveland when the club drafted Mark Sanchez…
Yes, we did. I think the Rams were at number two, I believe. That was a possibility. At the end of the day, we made the trade with Cleveland.

On Mangini wanting to show the Jets…
Yes, trust me, he does. No question. I wanted to show Baltimore and I spent 10 years there. I left on great terms. They helped me get this job, yet I still wanted to show Baltimore that, ‘Hey look. I’m the guy now and I was the guy then.’ It never worked out. Hope it doesn’t work out for Eric this week.

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Young Forward Gives Cavaliers New Bounce

In a game against Atlanta in Cleveland last week, Hickson erupted for 31 points amid boisterous chants of “M.V.P.,” a serenade formerly reserved for a captivating young forward who answered to the name Chosen One.

Either the locals were having a group flashback, or they are desperate to find an idol to replace LeBron James.

It has been four months since James broke hearts in Cleveland by fleeing to Miami. The quest to move on has been hastened by the Cavaliers’ surprisingly competitive start (4-4) and the thrill of watching Hickson, 22, blossom in real time.

Through the season’s first seven games, the 6-foot-9 Hickson averaged a team-high 16.7 points and shot nearly 52 percent from the field, while showing off an improved jump shot. On Tuesday, Hickson had his first double-double, 18 points and 10 rebounds, in a 93-91 victory over the Nets. He led the Cavaliers with 15 points in their 95-87 loss at home to the Nets on Wednesday.

If Hickson played 36 minutes a game like most starters, he would be averaging 21.6 points and 7.9 rebounds, which are borderline All-Star numbers. But Hickson is not yet ready for the label or the minutes, and his coach is proceeding with caution.

“He still has a long way to go,” said Byron Scott, the Cavaliers’ new coach.

Scott repeats the phrase often, whether the subject is offense, defense or Hickson’s ability to focus on the task at hand. Scott has been harder than anyone on Hickson, perhaps because in the post-LeBron era, no player holds as much promise for the Cavaliers’ future.

Cleveland has a one-time All-Star at point guard (Mo Williams), an aging former star on the bench (Antawn Jamison) and a collection of role players who were assembled solely for their ability to complement James. Because they won a lot and drafted low, the Cavaliers had few chances to obtain high-ceiling prospects.

Hickson, the 19th pick of the 2008 draft, is the exception. The Cavaliers took him because of his athleticism and his seemingly boundless potential, although his game was raw after just one season at North Carolina State.

He played sparingly as a rookie but assumed a greater role last season, starting 73 games. He averaged 8.5 points and nearly 21 minutes a game while deferring to James, Williams, Jamison and Shaquille O’Neal. His go-to move was flying in for putback dunks.

Hickson dedicated the summer to expanding his game. He spent weeks refining his jump shot with Chris Jent, a Cavaliers assistant. The results are evident. Hickson is shooting twice as many jumpers as last season, and through Tuesday he was 9 of 19 (47 percent) from between 16 and 23 feet.

“He’s growing up, and he understands the importance of getting better in the off-season,” Jent said. “With his quickness, people have to play off of him. And he knows that if he’s able to make that shot, it will just make him quicker.”

Against the Nets on Tuesday, Hickson showed his full range. He scored in the post and from 20 feet and glided baseline for back-door dunks. At times, he showed great poise and patience. Other times, he overdribbled and lost the ball.

Hickson’s evolution mirrors that of many other rangy big men, including one of his idols, Amar’e Stoudemire. Interestingly, the two could have been traded for one another last season.

The Cavaliers were searching for a certified star to complement and appease James. The Suns, who were hesitant to give Stoudemire another long-term contract, were entertaining trade possibilities and wanted Hickson.

“Hickson was the key guy,” said Steve Kerr, the former Suns president who is now working as an analyst for TNT. “If we were going to do anything, we had to get him. Otherwise, there was no discussions.”

According to Kerr, the talks dissolved before either team made a formal offer. The Suns needed Stoudemire to make a run in the playoffs, and the Cavaliers traded for Jamison without giving up their best prospect.

“He’s their most talented player, for sure,” Kerr said of Hickson. “And they knew that he represented a big part of their future, whether LeBron stayed or left.”

James took an interest in Hickson’s development, inviting him to off-season workouts and his summer basketball camp. Hickson did not share many details, but said James taught him “how to be a professional, on and off the court.”

“It meant a lot,” Hickson said. “I was like a sponge. I just soaked everything up.”

The summer lesson plans changed when James left town and the Cavaliers plunged into an unplanned rebuilding effort. Scott became the coach, bringing his tough-love style and a demand to quicken the pace.

“When in doubt, run,” Hickson said with a chuckle. “As fast as you can.”

Most of Scott’s instructions to Hickson involve the word focus, and Hickson is working diligently to comply.

The Cavaliers have an abundance of hope but a deficit of star power. They are fashioning victories from group efforts, from Williams’s playmaking and Daniel Gibson’s 3-point shooting. Hickson provides the highlights, and might eventually provide them a new identity. Just not yet.

“He’s trying to find his own identity as a player,” Scott said.

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Sports of The Times: Induct Steinbrenner? Let’s Think About This

George Steinbrenner died on July 13. It’s now November, and he is on a short list for the National Baseball Hall of Fame.

We were just getting used to the gross plaque honoring the Sun King of the Bronx. In the heady rush of deserved respect and understandable nostalgia, we need to slow down and evaluate the Boss.

First we need to remember that Steinbrenner narrowly escaped going to prison after pleading guilty to illegal campaign contributions and that he could have been barred from baseball forever after consorting with a lowlife gambler to discredit Dave Winfield, one of his own players.

Steinbrenner has been named to the eligible list of distinguished baseball people from the expansion era, 1973 on. He will be judged by a solid group of 16 executives, writers and former players.

Yes, character is one criterion for the Hall, particularly for people in uniform. Joe Jackson is barred for being involved in the 1919 Black Sox scandal, and it is too late for him. Pete Rose is barred for gambling and then lying about it while he was managing. I personally think Rose the player belongs in the Hall, but I totally understand why he is barred. He made it hard on himself, the knucklehead, and may never get into the Hall in his lifetime. Then again, the Boss made it hard on himself, too.

Steinbrenner was a builder, a successful club owner, but does he deserve to be in on sheer baseball merit? There is one argument that Steinbrenner was better than moral, better than smart. He was lucky. He turned a modest personal investment, said to be $168,000, into a $10 million package that, enriched by unforeseen cable television revenue, became the most lucrative franchise in baseball, worth $1.6 billion, according to Forbes magazine.

Then Steinbrenner got lucky all over again while barred by Commissioner Fay Vincent for conspiring with the gambler — the best thing that ever happened to him and his beloved Yankees.

While Steinbrenner was verifiably out of power, his front office, most notably General Manager Gene Michael, protected the best young players in the farm system. You might have heard of them: Jeter, Posada, Williams, Rivera, Pettitte. For once, the Yankees did not trade away their future for expensive old stars. George came back and presided over one of the great eras of Yankees baseball.

So, maybe the voters should instead pick Joe Torre and Michael and even poor, addled Billy Martin, who is actually on this makeup ballot.

But Steinbrenner got most of the credit and most of the profit from the golden era that began during his absence. What a guy. He bent the rules and used his money to get his way, but there are already a few owners like that in the Hall. Besides, if high character were to become a standard, who would run the banks and the stock market and the corporations?

Am I getting soft on the Boss? With the flick of a finger I can find columns I wrote in the 1980s when he was younger and so was I, when I called him the Man From Tampa and told him to get out of town, that he dishonored New York by his bullying of employees, his diatribes against baseball officials, his putdowns of players, his apologies for losses, his blustering about legal and moral issues. I often blamed three signature men of the ’70s — Murdoch, Trump and Steinbrenner, a veritable three-person Page Six of crudeness — for the lowering of civil discourse in New York.

But that was then. We have all since accepted that Steinbrenner was spontaneously generous to good causes, to the needy. We also watched him grow old, start to fade from sight, much like our grandparents, our parents and, good grief, maybe even people in our own generation. He was, after all, human. In his later years, a lot of us came to miss that force of nature.

Ultimately, to my chagrin, I cannot work up any major moral or legal long-term argument for keeping Steinbrenner out of the Hall. He paid his penalties, and he came back.

I think he belongs in the Hall — eventually.

Let’s look at it this way. The oversight panel exists to right wrongs, and there already is one major injustice in the Hall of Fame: Marvin Miller, who is also on the ballot before the veterans committee this year, is not a member.

As head of the players union, Miller outsmarted the owners, including Steinbrenner, to bring about free agency in the ’70s. Cable riches and free agency have probably widened the gap between the richest and poorest teams, but that gap has always existed.

Everybody makes more money because of Marvin Miller. But voters have tended to ignore Miller because baseball people have a bad case of Stockholm syndrome. That is, they identify with their captors and become fearful of truly smart people with vision, like Marvin Miller. In recent years, even some baseball people seem to have come to understand that a truly great innovator and leader has been shortchanged.

At least one member of the panel feels that way. Jim Palmer, the Hall of Fame pitcher, said in an e-mail: “My vote has been and will always be for Marvin. He gave the modern day player a voice, completely changed the landscape.” He spoke positively about Steinbrenner, but added, “There are enough marks against him to warrant a later entrance.”

Marvin Miller is 93. He deserves to be present at his induction into the Hall of Fame. Then, when the first wave of emotion has passed and we are all thinking a bit more clearly, let’s get back to the discussion about George Steinbrenner.

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Women’s Group Cites 12 Districts in Title IX Complaint

A women’s legal group filed complaints Wednesday with the federal education department alleging that 12 school districts nationwide — including New York, Chicago and Houston — are violating federal law by failing to offer equal opportunities to boys and girls who play high school sports.

The group, the National Women’s Law Center, sent the complaints to the education department’s Office for Civil Rights, which is charged with enforcing the federal gender-equity law known as Title IX. The center relied on data that school districts reported to the education department in 2006, the most recent year that the data was available. The data, they said, showed in many cases a participation gap of more than 10 percentage points. Proportionality is one of the three ways schools can show compliance with Title IX.

Nationwide, the center said, about 41 percent of high school athletes are girls, although they make up about half of school enrollment.

“These schools are just the tip of the iceberg,” said Marcia Greenberger, co-president of the center, which is based in Washington.

Greenberger said that the districts were selected to be representative of the nation as a whole, with a mix of geographic regions and large and smaller districts.

Justin Hamilton, a spokesman for the education department, said that the office was looking into the complaints.

In the case of New York, the center found that the gender gap in city high schools averaged 7.9 percentage points in 2006.

In Chicago, the gap was much larger, at an average of 33 percentage points. In 2004, the gap in was 7.9 percentage points.

The center noted that some data submitted by New York and Chicago appeared to be inaccurate and asked the Office for Civil Rights to take a closer look. Monique Bond, a spokeswoman for the Chicago public schools, said that officials had not had a chance to review the complaint, but that “we continue to be encouraged by our efforts to increase programming for female student-athletes.”

The New York City schools released a statement saying officials had not received the complaint, but that the New York City Public Schools Athletic League, which operates competitive high school sports, offered a variety of varsity sports for girls.

Marmion Dambrino, the athletic director for the Houston Independent School District, said she was surprised to hear that it was the target of a complaint. “If the district is found to be out of compliance, we’ll work with O.C.R. to bring the district into compliance,” she said. The average gender gap in Houston high schools was 11.9 percent in 2006, according to the center.

The decision to single out high school participation rates reflects an increasing focus from colleges to high schools, where many advocates say gender imbalances are less visible. However, some of those who advocate reform of the Title IX law say they fear that high schools will react by eliminating sports for boys, especially in a troubling economic climate.

“This isn’t a secret that there’s a gender imbalance,” said Eric Pearson, chairman of the College Sports Council, which advocates reform of the Title IX law. “The question is how schools are going to comply, and inevitably it will lead to a shrinking down of participation numbers on the men’s side.”

Greenberger said that no one wants to cut opportunities for boys, and suggested that schools look to the community for help..

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Doping Rule’s Extra Consequences

But making the Olympic team is not her only goal. A positive drug test weeks before the 2008 Beijing Games cost her the experience of competing there. After serving a yearlong doping suspension, she is looking to clear her name.

A binding sports arbitration panel reduced the standard two-year doping suspension in Hardy’s case after she argued that she had ingested the banned weight-loss and muscle-building drug clenbuterol by accident. It was discovered in an over-the-counter nutritional supplement she was taking.

But Hardy’s road to the London Games remains a treacherous path of red tape and unknowns because of a relatively new and confusing International Olympic Committee rule.

The rule, instituted just before the 2008 Games, bars from the next Olympics any athlete who has served a doping suspension of six months or longer. While Olympic officials say that eligibility restriction is necessary to rid the Games of athletes who dope, critics say it constitutes a second punishment for those who have served suspensions. No database of athletes barred for doping exists, so it is unclear how many London hopefuls may be affected.

The bigger problem for Hardy and other Americans facing the ban is that the I.O.C. will not hear their appeals unless they have made the United States Olympic team.

Conflicting rules by individual sports federations, the United States Olympic Committee and the I.O.C. create a vicious circle. In many sports that select teams through trials, like swimming and track, athletes deemed ineligible for the Olympics may not be allowed to vie for a spot at the trials in the first place.

“It’s just a bunch of dead ends that’s turned into a disaster,” the 23-year-old Hardy said. “For the sake of myself and for my U.S.A. teammates, I’m hoping that they’ll make a ruling before 2012. If not, I will not let it go because it’s not fair. I will not go down without a fight. It will be a huge distraction, but it’s not my fault.”

The I.O.C. adopted the rule to save the Olympic community the public-relations nightmare of having known cheaters in competition, said Arne Ljungqvist, the chairman of the I.O.C.’s medical commission. Some national federations were shortening athletes’ suspensions so they could compete in the Olympics, he said, which the I.O.C. considered wrong.

The rule serves as an additional deterrent to doping, Ljungqvist said, because drug testing alone has often not been enough to catch those who cheat.

Antidoping officials said that no athletes bound for the 2010 Vancouver Games contested the rule, which was instituted three days before Hardy’s failed drug test in July 2008. So the lead-up to the London Games is the first time athletes are expected to challenge or appeal it. A wave of appeals — particularly by Americans — will most likely be heard by the Court of Arbitration for Sport before the Olympics. That court’s ruling would be final.

Ljungqvist said the United States is one of the few countries that select their Olympic team through trials, which often occur close to the deadline for submitting a final roster of athletes to the I.O.C.

“There is an appeal process in place, and any athlete has the right to go to the Court of Arbitration for Sport or do whatever once they are named to their Olympic team,” he said. “The timing problem is a very U.S.-specific case, and international sports rules are not at all adjusted to what may be the selection of teams in various countries.”

Hardy and at least one other American, the runner LaShawn Merritt, have asked the I.O.C. to rule on their eligibility for the Olympics, but the I.O.C. has declined to do so. Merritt, the 2008 Olympic gold medalist in the 400 meters, tested positive in 2009 for a prohibited substance found in the male-enhancement product ExtenZe — which, according to its label, contained DHEA, a banned steroid. He received a 21-month suspension that will end next July.

An American arbitration panel that decided Merritt’s case found that the I.O.C. rule violated the World Anti-Doping Code, to which the I.O.C. adheres. It said a fair and just system would allow athletes to appeal the rule immediately and warned that the uncertainty of the rule could cause the U.S.O.C. “to face unnecessary and excessive litigation, with its resulting costs.”

David Howman, director general of the World Anti-Doping Agency, said last month that the Olympic ban was an eligibility issue, not a doping sanction — a position the Merritt panel called skullduggery. Athletes and the I.O.C. would be responsible for resolving any conflicts, he said.

Howard Jacobs, the lawyer for Merritt and Hardy, said the timing of those resolutions could pose a headache for both sides.

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Off the Dribble: Knicks and Fans Honor Lee on His Return

In five years as a Knick, David Lee became an elite rebounder, a skilled scorer, an All-Star and a fan favorite. But points came more easily than victories, so when Lee was asked, upon his return, to share his best moments, he was stumped.

“That’s a great question,” he said Wednesday, before playing his first game as a visitor at Madison Square Garden. “I don’t know that I can put my finger on one. We had a couple good come-from-behind victories, last-second tip-ins, things like that.”

Like a lot of players who lived through the mayhem of the last six years in New York, Lee did not get the chance to be part of an eventual Knicks renaissance. The Knicks let him leave last summer when they decided to invest $100 million in Amar’e Stoudemire. Lee joined the Golden State Warriors in a sign-and-trade deal for $80 million.

The former Knick David Lee was honored with a video tribute in his return to the Garden.Barton Silverman/The New York Times The former Knick David Lee was honored with a video tribute in his return to the Garden.

In a generally miserable Knicks era, Lee was one of the few bright spots, and his efforts were recognized Wednesday night. During a first-quarter timeout, the Knicks played a video packed with Lee dunks and rebounds, along with one bloody nose and many hugs with children. When it was over, the public-address announcer Mike Walczewski gave the traditional, “Once a Knick, always a Knick” introduction as fans rose for a standing ovation. Lee acknowledged them with a raised hand and a bowed head.

“I know it’s going to be an emotional night,” he said earlier in the day. “One of the greatest things that I was privileged to be a part of here is interacting with the fans. You never know, New York could all boo tonight. Stranger things have happened. But I think I should get a warm reception.”

After all the years of chaos and controversy, coach firings and feuds, Lee earned his moment.

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Off the Dribble: Jazz's Millsap Equals Instant Offense

Things looked bleak at halftime for the Utah Jazz on Tuesday night, as the team was headed toward a big loss to the Heat in Miami. The Jazz was down by as much as 22 points in the second quarter, overwhelmed by LeBron James and Company.

Wilfredo Lee/Associated Press Paul Millsap stole the show against the Heat Tuesday night.

Then forward Paul Millsap personally brought the Jazz back, scoring 33 points in the second half. His brilliance was capped by three 3-pointers and a putback in the last minute of regulation to send the game into overtime.

The Jazz won, 116-114, led by Millsap’s career-high 46 points.

Millsap also had nine rebounds, a block and a steal for good measure in the Jazz’s first win in Miami since 2003. To put Millsap’s outburst in perspective, he had made only two 3-pointers in his four seasons with the Jazz.

“Miss Bettye’s son, that’s Paul Millsap if y’all don’t know, just carried us, put us on his back,” Jazz guard Deron Williams told The Deseret News. “Just the way he played was great. It was brilliant. His back’s going to be hurting tomorrow from carrying us.”

Millsap was a bit surprised at how things turned out.

“It’s speechless to be down like that to a team like this in a hostile environment and come out with a win,” Millsap told The Miami Herald. “We clawed our way out of there, but that says a lot about our team and the guys we have on our team.”

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