1 - Deplete your carbohydrates by eliminating any starchy base carbs like bread 🍞, rice 🍚, pasta and noodles🍝. Instead, go for the water base carbs like green beans, brocolli, cauliflower, asparagus as your source of carbs.

2 - Bump up your cardio to 2 times in a day. Like 1 hour in the morning and 1 hour in the evening. Preferred cardio equipment is the stationary bike 🚴, or you can do walking. I suggest you don't run πŸƒ, so as to preserve your hard earned muscles.

3 - Do a High Intensity Workout, meaning the weight should be progressive and repetitions should not go as low as 10 and you can go as high as 30 repetitions (warm-up).

4 - Increase your Protein Intake. Since you deplete your starchy base carbs, it is very important to increase your protein intake so as to have a balance on your daily caloric requirement. This way, you will be able to develop and tone your muscles faster. 

Best protein sources will be chicken πŸ— breast and fish 🐟.
5 - When you do all the methods mentioned above, then you should do this last method. This is what I call the SAMS RIPPED ABS WORKOUT. A circuit of the following exercises:

Leg Raises
Double Crunch

Do the above abdominal exercises for 30repetitions one after the other and after doing the crunches you rest for 10counts and do it back again.
Do this for 3-5rounds once or twice a day--everyday, for the next 6 weeks. 

-‎Samuel John Solon‎ 

Ectomorph. Ectomorphs (or ectos for short) are categorized by one word, THIN. The bone structure of an ectomorph is very narrow. This means that ectos usually have a small rib cage, narrow shoulders, and long thinner limbs. An ectomorph will struggle to add both muscle and fat, so adding body weight is usually a slow process.
Even though ectomorphs will have difficulty getting bigger and stronger their typically fast metabolisms give them a huge advantage when trying to get lean. When trying to get lean muscle loss will always be a concern for the ectomorph.
Mesomorph. Mesomorphs (or mesos for short) are the genetic lottery winners. They are typically athletic looking even with little to no training. Mesomorphs usually have wide shoulders and somewhat thinner waists. One of the main characteristics of a mesomorph is that they add muscle AND lose fat easily.
Although mesomorphs have genetic advantages they are not immune to getting out of shape. If they wish to maintain or improve their physiques, a proper training routine and diet must be employed.
Endomorph. Endomorphs (or endos for short) are somewhat the opposite of an ectomorph. They have a wide bone structure. This means that an endo’s rib cage, shoulders, and waist are usually wide. An endomorph will gain both muscle and fat very easily. Because of this most endomorphs struggle to maintain a lean physique.
Although it is harder for an endomorph to get lean, it is not impossible. Also, their body’s ability to add and maintain muscle tissue gives them a big advantage when losing fat.

These are the calorie recommendations based on each particular body type.
  • Ectomorph - Body weight x 16-18 = daily caloric intake
  • Mesomorph - Body weight x 14-17 = daily caloric intake
  • Endomorph - Body weight x 12-15 = daily caloric intake


Proteins are unbelievably important molecules to the human body. Different proteins have different functions depending on the type. Some are used as contractile proteins which allow muscles to contract and lift weight. Other proteins are enzymes that cause chemical reactions within the body, and some proteins can be used for energy.
On any fat loss plan protein is absolutely essential to maintaining muscle tissue. When protein is ingested the body breaks it down into amino acids and sends it into the bloodstream. Once these amino acids are in the bloodstream they will be taken up by cells within the body.

How Much Protein for Fat Loss?

When trying to lose fat, protein intake should be set as follows:
  • Ectomorph - Body weight X 1.0 - 1.2 grams
  • Mesomorph - Body weight X 1.1 - 1.3 grams
  • Endomorph - Body weight X 1.1 - 1.4 grams


Dietary fats are essential molecules that cannot be ignored in a fat loss plan because of the important roles they play in many different bodily processes. Fat is the most energy dense nutrient. Whereas protein and carbs both contain 4 calories per gram, fat contains 9 calories per gram. The downside to fat is that it is easily stored as adipose tissue (fat).
An important function of fat is its role in the production of testosterone. One thing must be understood about a fat loss diet: testosterone will be lower when calories are restricted. This is just a natural response. The body senses that energy is in short supply and decides that less energy can be “spent” on muscle growth.

How Much Fat for Fat Loss?

Ectomorph Bodyweight and Intake
  • 100-150 lbs = 45-50 grams per day
  • 150-200 lbs = 50-55 grams per day
  • 200 lbs. and over = 55-60 grams per day
Mesomorph Bodyweight and Intake
  • 100-150 lbs = 40-45 grams per day
  • 150-200 lbs = 45-50 grams per day
  • 200 lbs. and over = 50-55 grams per day
Endomorph Bodyweight and Intake
  • 100-150 lbs = 50-55 grams per day
  • 150-200 lbs = 55-60 grams per day
  • 200 lbs. and over = 60-65 grams per day


Carbohydrates (or carbs for short) are broken down into sugars within the body to produce glucose. Glucose is a primary energy source that fuels the brain, muscle tissue, and organs. Glucose is converted into glycogen and stored within muscle tissue where it is held until it is ready to be used, such as during training.
Carbohydrates are extremely important to training since they are the primary fuel source for working muscles. During weight training the body uses ATP for energy. ATP is replenished through something called the glycolytic pathway. This pathway converts glucose into ATP. Glucose (carbohydrate) is obtained from the bloodstream or from carbs stored in the muscle tissue as glycogen.

How Many Carbohydrates for Fat Loss?

You have already calculated how much protein and fat you will be consuming every day. The only thing left to do is figure out how many carbs you will be eating on a daily basis. This one is simple. Whatever calories are left over after you calculate your protein and fat should be used for carbohydrates. Just take the total calories that are left over and divide by 4. This will tell you how many carbs you should eat everyday.

Source: muscleandstrength.com