Getting a Free Phone number from internet is easy, but getting a Unique number for you Only is truly hard. How about to Get a Free Unique Phone Number from United Kingdom, not only this but also you Forward calls to your mobile phone for Free... You can then receive international and business calls to your local mobile phone while using a UK phone Number. Also you can use this to Verify Gmail, Facebook, Payza accounts with Phone calls

How it Works?

You register an account at the website below, you are given to chose between many UK numbers that starts with +44, you setup your local phone number or mobile number to receive calls, finally Activate Route to enable call forwarding and receive calls for Free.

How to Get a Free Phone Number & Forward Calls to your Mobile

1) Go to Free UK Numbers

2) Click Register button, it will redirect you the Signup page.

Free uk virtual phone number + call forwarding 1.png

3) Enter your correct First Name, Last Name and Email address for the signup process, then Click Register button to complete registration.

4) After Signup, it will automatically redirects you to your account. Select wisely the Virtual Phone Number you want to use.

5) After choosing the virtual phone number, Enter your Local or Mobile Phone number in-which you'll receive forwarded calls, Your Mobile or Local Number should not contain the + character just enter the Country code followed by your phone number.

6) Finally Click Activate Route to activate call forwarding.

7) Now you own a Free Virtual Phone Number from United Kingdom, you can use it on internet, business jobs, Verifying Google, Facebook, Payza or any other online accounts.



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